Dr. Swapnil Bachhao
Qualification: M.D.Physician.
Reg. No. : 020583
Dr. Swapnil Bachhao, M.D.Physician
Medical Cannabis Clinician.
Dr. Swapnil Bachhao is Medical Doctor and Medical cannabis researcher with over 10 years of experience and first-hand feedback from more than 1000 international patients.
Expertise in treating – Mental health issues. OCD, Depression and Anxiety, Sleep disorders, chronic pain, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy
Cancer patients – Metastatic and benign carcinomas, post chemotherapeutic pain, nausea, anorexia, weight loss.
Arthritis pain , Back pain and inflammation
Chronic pain and fatigue, muscular pain, Gout
Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Neurological disorders – Essential Tremors, Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, SCIATICA
Autoimmune disorders
Hepatic and metabolic disorders – hepatitis, fatty liver, diabetes, hypothyroid,
Asthma and Pulmonary disorders.
Consultation Process

Step 1
Fill the consultation form and book an appointment with the doctor.

Step 2
The team will reach out to confirm the appointment date and time.

Step 3
Call on the number provided or visit the clinic at the scheduled time.