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CBD Health Blog

All the myths related to CBD are busted with prudent facts!

All the myths related to CBD are busted with prudent facts!

In the recent past, CBD has become the most exciting and popular substance in the medical field. Due to its healing and therapeutic effects, many doctors and medical experts have started recommending it to patients suffering from different types of chronic ailments. In fact, many governments have also started changing regulations and policies to make […]

How can CBD be your savior during periods?

How can CBD be your savior during periods?

There is no hidden fact that every month, women experience painful cramps during their periods or menstrual cycle. Menstruation brings discomfort, extreme abdomen pain, body pains, etc. For years, women have been battling with it without any external help. But now, with the hype surrounding CBD, some relief can be expected. With so many benefits […]

Is Cannabis Oil Helpful for Opioid Addiction?

Is Cannabis Oil Helpful for Opioid Addiction? Know here

CBD oil has become a big rage in the health industry. Due to its natural healing properties and versatile health benefits, many doctors have started recommending it to patients suffering from chronic diseases or addictions. It is also known as cannabis oil in India and proves to be a boon for opioid addicts. What is […]

CBD Oil for Stubborn Acne

CBD Oil for Stubborn Acne: Know how it is a boon

Clear skin is not a myth. Everybody wants flawless skin, free of acne. It boosts confidence and makes you look and feel beautiful, irrespective of your gender. But acne can be a big issue for people of all age groups. There are many reasons to face acne; it can be inflammation, acne-causing bacteria, sebum production, […]

Do you need a license to sell CBD oil in India?

Do you need a license to sell CBD oil in India?

CBD licensing procedures and requirements differ across states, necessitating compliance for conducting business. Rules and regulations may slightly differ from one state to another, with medicinal CBD subject to even stricter laws. The current regulatory framework for CBD in India has considerable room for improvement. In this dynamic and ever-changing landscape, it is crucial to […]

Are there risks to CBD?

Are there risks to CBD?

While CBD is generally considered safe for most people, there are potential risks associated with its use. Some individuals may experience side effects such as dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhea or changes in appetite and weight. CBD can interact with certain medications, so it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before using it, especially if taking […]

Who consumes CBD?

Who consumes CBD?

CBD is consumed by a diverse range of individuals across various demographics. Consumers include those seeking relief from pain, anxiety, and stress, as well as individuals looking for a natural approach to manage certain health conditions. Athletes may use it for potential muscle recovery benefits, and some individuals incorporate CBD into their wellness routines to […]

Where is the best place to keep CBD oil?

Where is the best place to keep CBD oil?

The best place to store CBD oil is in a cool, dark, and dry location, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. A pantry or a kitchen cabinet is often a suitable choice. Keeping the CBD oil in a stable environment helps preserve its potency and extends its shelf life. Avoid locations near appliances or […]

How long do CBD effects last and stay in your system?

How long do CBD effects last and stay in your system?

Research indicates that individuals who have ingested a single dose of standardized CBD formulations may have detectable levels of CBD in their urine for approximately 4 to 5 days. Various aspects, such as frequency of use, quantity consumed, food intake, body metabolism, and preferred methods of consumption, can influence how long CBD remains in one’s […]